Docking of UFOs! |
Composite image (left) illustrates
the relative height to width ratios of the objects before and after docking.
docking, ratio is 1.24 high x 1 wide.
After docking,
ratio is .81 high x 1 wide.
Another way of
comparing is; the combined height of the objects on the left is 65% greater than the
object on the right.
There are two separate objects which docked or joined together as one object. |
--by Lynn Taylor 18JAN97
John Tosti and Robert A. were
traveling down Snoddy Road, south of Bloomington, checking out the evening sky. They
caught sight of a brilliant object hovering motionless over the town. John began to video
tape the event, while Robert stood guard. Moments had passed, without any movement on the
part of the glowing apparition. Robert decided to test the UFO's sensitivity to light, and
flashed his headlights directly at it. It moved slightly, but remained on station. John
continued taping for a while longer, then growing tired, he shut his camera off and headed
It was a couple of days later when John dropped by to show the
tape to me. On it, was a bright orange object that looked for all the world, like a
hamburger! It was round, but slightly flatter at the "poles", with a Saturn-like
ring around the equator (where the beef would be). John was taping with a new camera, and
therefore, not totally familiar with the focusing controls. He was zooming in and out, in
an effort to get a "lock" on the object. There were apparent distortions before
the object coalesced. I made a copy of the tape for study. After John left, I began to
review the video, frame by frame. I made a startling discovery. What John mistook as
"out of focus" was in fact, two objects (or craft) engaged in a docking
procedure. A shaft of white light could clearly be seen connecting the two ships together
as they maneuvered closer to each other, one directly above the other. As far as I know,
this is the first time a UFO docking procedure has been documented. The concept of mid-air
UFO docking presents a host of ideas to consider. This video footage provides a glimpse
into the operational procedures, and technical abilities of an alien race. Were they on an
abduction mission above Bloomington? If so, could they have been transferring abductees
from one ship to the other? Or perhaps they were involved in the transfer of personnel and
supplies. And why were they conducting this procedure over a populated area with lots of
potential witnesses?
Their actions suggest a bold new shift in
UFO activities. There seems to be a total confidence on the part of the occupants of these
craft, in their machines and technology.
Whatever they were doing this night, one
thing seems apparent; It is not necessary for UFOs to land in order to carry out transfer