2nd e-mail:
I am writing to anyone that [might] see this and is able to explain what
my marks are. I noticed them last night (1-26-2008) at 10:00 PM, I was
about to get into the shower and was looking at myself and turned from
side to side and saw this weird impression on my skin. I was amazed and a
little scared just because it was so big and could not explain it. I went
to show my boyfriend and he was like, "Did you sit on something?" I was
like, "No!" But what's so weird is that it is still there today. I drove
myself nuts thinking that I sat on something and just didn't feel it? I
will be sending pictures of what I am seeing, in hopes that someone could
explain it to me before I consult a dermatologist. I do want to mention
that when I was a baby, as told to me by my mother, I experienced
paranormal events.
I'd like to let you know also that the marks do not
itch or hurt or feel bumpy like a ring worm.
Dear "Alice,"
Thank you for contacting us regarding your unexplained markings. First,
let me say that I have not seen markings quite like yours. What I see is
two complete sets of marks, one above the other, comprised of a series of
red spots that suggest a skin reaction to pressure and/or reactive contact
with a physical object. In other words, an object or device was brought
into contact with your skin in such a way that it either bruised, burned,
or otherwise was reactive to the material that the object was made of,
such as galvanic or allergic reaction.
Each set appears to be comprised of two concentric arc lines,
encompassing a series of reaction points that form a square grid pattern.
I do not believe your marks are in any way related to insect bites due to
the complex and repeated patterns.
There are a couple of possible mundane explanations for you marks: First,
you would have to be wearing jeans that contained decorative metal studs
on the hip area and arranged in a similar pattern. Second, your skin would
have to come into contact with the metal studs (no undergarments). The
second possibility would be that you sat on something that formed the
patterns on your hip. I believe, however, that you would have remembered
such an event.
Absolutely yes, do see a dermatologist in order to treat and/or eliminate
the possibility of any skin related conditions. Be sure to ask the doctor
to state his opinion, not only as to the cause, but to the nature of the
marks. (Was it bruising, burns, allergic reaction, etc.)
Note: I submitted a series of questions to "Alice," but I have yet
to receive any follow-up correspondence.
- Lynn